Bissonnette dunks on the Bruins following Game 5 loss to the Leafs

Fred Maltes
May 1, 2024  (3:14 PM)

Paul Bissonnette
Photo credit: Ben Jackson

In a spirited display of rivalry and fervor, former NHL player and current NHL on TNT analyst Paul "Biz Nasty" Bissonnette didn't hold back in his celebrations following the Toronto Maple Leafs' pivotal 2-1 overtime victory over the Boston Bruins in Game 5. Known for his unabashed support of the Maple Leafs, Bissonnette gleefully took to social media to taunt the Bruins, intertwining his jibes with a poignant reminder of Boston's previous playoff disappointment.

"The Brick Woll just outperformed your glory boy in your own building. You couldn't even beat us no Matthews. It's happening all over again. Choke artists are back. #LeafsForever"

His pointed remarks didn't just stop at bringing up the Bruins' choke in last season's series against Florida, where they squandered a 3-1 lead; Bissonnette also highlighted the night's goaltending duel. Toronto's rookie netminder Joseph Woll, referred to affectionately as "The Brick Woll" by Bissonnette, was praised for outplaying Jeremy Swayman, the Bruins' starting goalie.
This, according to Bissonnette, underscored an even greater triumph given that the Leafs were without their star player Auston Matthews, who was sidelined for the game.
Bissonnette's jabs stir the pot of the already heated Leafs-Bruins rivalry, setting the stage for a thrilling continuation of the series. Despite the Leafs' win bringing them a step closer to advancement, they face a challenging path ahead.
They must secure wins in the upcoming games on Thursday and over the weekend to progress beyond the first round—a feat that eluded them last year despite a modest playoff success.
Echoing his past predictions and unyielding enthusiasm, Bissonnette remains a vocal and colorful figure in hockey commentary. His bold claim last season that the Leafs were poised for back-to-back Stanley Cups may not have materialized fully, but it underscores his enduring faith in his team.
As the playoffs press on, fans and foes alike will be watching to see if Toronto can defy expectations under the intense pressure of playoff hockey, possibly inspired by Biz Nasty's unabashed cheerleading.
1 MAI   |   229 ANSWERS
Bissonnette dunks on the Bruins following Game 5 loss to the Leafs

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They're going to the finals7733.6 %
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