Connor McDavid shuns NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman on live TV

Fred Maltes
June 25, 2024  (12:59)

Connor McDavid ignores NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman on live TV

In a moment filled with mixed emotions, Edmonton Oilers' star Connor McDavid exhibited a complex reaction to winning the Conn Smythe Trophy.

An accolade for the playoff MVP, following a heartbreaking 2-1 loss to the Florida Panthers in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Despite this personal achievement, McDavid's response—or lack thereof—when NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman called his name was telling. It wasn't the trophy he sought, and his subdued reaction underscored the team's overall sentiment.
Monday night in South Florida was supposed to cap an extraordinary comeback for the Oilers, who had impressively erased a 3-0 series deficit only to fall agonizingly short in the climactic final game. Their journey through the playoffs was marked by resilience and unexpected twists, yet the ultimate prize eluded them. McDavid, despite his personal feats, found little solace in the Conn Smythe Trophy as his eyes were set on the much-coveted Stanley Cup.
When Bettman announced McDavid as the MVP, the Oilers captain chose not to partake in the customary celebratory curtain call. This decision might have been seen as a snub, but it was more likely a manifestation of his disappointment and the rawness of the moment. Bettman, for his part, did not dwell on the situation. He promptly moved on to the next agenda item—presenting the Stanley Cup to Panthers' captain Aleksander Barkov.
The scene was starkly different for the Panthers, who celebrated their hard-fought victory, living out the dream that McDavid and his team had so desperately hoped would be theirs. This juxtaposition added a poignant layer to the Oilers' defeat, making McDavid's individual accolade seem somewhat bittersweet.
While the moment might have seemed like a slight against Bettman, it was more reflective of McDavid's focus and priorities. He has always been a team-first player, and his actions post-game were consistent with someone whose main goal remains unfulfilled.
Gary Bettman likely understood the situation, accustomed as he is to the range of emotions that play out in such high-stakes moments. Despite missing out on the traditional photo opportunity with McDavid, the commissioner's handling of the situation was pragmatic, recognizing the complex feelings involved.
As the Oilers reflect on their near-miss and prepare for the future, McDavid's leadership and dedication to the team's ultimate goal remain clear. His reaction was not just about a missed trophy; it was a statement of intent and ambition, signaling his unwavering commitment to bringing the Stanley Cup to Edmonton in the future.
25 JUIN   |   188 ANSWERS
Connor McDavid shuns NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman on live TV

Was Connor McDavid foolish not to accept the Conn Smythe Trophy on Monday night?

Yes, just accept the award4322.9 %
No, the man's soul was just crushed11963.3 %
He shouldn't have won the Conn Smythe anyway2613.8 %
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