Expert suggests Maple Leafs should trade Morgan Rielly over Mitch Marner

Fred Maltes
May 30, 2024  (9:33 PM)

Expert suggests Maple Leafs should trade Morgan Rielly over Mitch Marner
Photo credit: Rory Boylen

The Toronto Maple Leafs find themselves at a crossroads, and moving Morgan Rielly might make more sense than moving Mitch Marner, says analyst John Shannon.

As Shannon shared on 'Leafs Morning Take', the spotlight turns to Morgan Rielly, the Leafs' longstanding defenseman, amidst discussions surrounding the team's future moves.
Morgan Rielly, the stalwart of the Leafs' defense since 2013 and the fifth overall pick in the 2012 draft, has been a topic of debate among hockey analysts. While respected for his role, the consensus views him as a second-tier defenseman, lacking the quintessential traits of a top-tier NHL defenseman. This perspective gained further traction when John Shannon voiced a bold proposition: trading Rielly could be more advantageous for the Leafs than moving forward Mitch Marner.
Rielly is in the third year of an eight-year contract with a $7.5M annual cap hit. Despite his commitment and long tenure, the Leafs have struggled to pair him with a top-tier defenseman that could elevate their game to championship levels. His notable partnership with TJ Brodie, while solid, hasn't produced the transformative results expected of a leading duo.
Shannon argues that the Leafs' recurrent mediocrity in playoff performances points to deeper issues than just forward line efficiency.
"Eight [years] is enough with this group. When you dig deep, those four forwards are they the real problem in the end? Aren't there more symptoms of a team that relishes in mediocrity in the playoffs that should really improve somewhere else, like in goal...And then you have to look at the defense. I think Simon Benoit was really good, but I don't think the Leafs need four Simon Benoits,"

Shannon stated.
He further highlighted the strategic benefit of trading Rielly, noting the potential cap space savings which, while less than what could be saved by trading Marner, might be strategically reinvested to overhaul the Leafs' defensive capabilities.
The idea of trading away a top defenseman to strengthen defense might seem counterintuitive, and rightly so. The risk of weakening the defense even further looms large, with the potential return for Rielly uncertain to match or exceed his value. This presents the Leafs with a complex decision: can they afford to lose Rielly if it means potentially securing a more balanced and robust defensive lineup?
The financial flexibility gained from moving Rielly, which would extend through the 2029-2030 season, offers the Leafs room to maneuver in a tight cap space environment. In contrast, trading Marner would free up even more cap space, potentially allowing for more significant team enhancements.
As the Leafs weigh their options, the decision to trade Rielly will hinge on their long-term strategic goals and the immediate need to enhance team dynamics, particularly in high-stakes playoff scenarios.
30 MAI   |   108 ANSWERS
Expert suggests Maple Leafs should trade Morgan Rielly over Mitch Marner

Is trading Morgan Rielly something you can see the Leafs doing?

Absolutely not, it makes no sense4844.4 %
Yes, he is nothing spectacular6055.6 %
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