NHL confirms multiple rule-changes and some of them will be unpopular

Fred Maltes
June 27, 2024  (11:13)

NHL confirms multiple rule-changes and some of them will be unpopular
Photo credit: NHL

As the 2024-25 NHL season approaches, the league has announced a set of new rule changes, sparking wide-ranging discussions among fans and experts alike.

This annual period, typically marked by roster strategizing among general managers, also serves as a critical time for the NHL Board of Governors to introduce game-changing adjustments. Yesterday's announcement highlighted four specific rules that promise to reshape certain aspects of the game.
Eric Engles of Sportsnet shared the changes via his X/Twitter account, outlining what fans should expect next season. The list is as follows:
1. Expansion of coach's challenge for puck-over-glass (only to challenge a called penalty, not to put one on the board).
2. Attacking players now get warned instead of removed from the faceoff following an icing call.
3. Inadvertently knocking the net off rule (64.A iv) will now also apply to goalies (if they or anyone on the team does it, the attacking team gets to choose faceoff location in o-zone and defending team can't change).
4. Rule 75.3 instituted for unsportsmanlike conduct-offending team will be first warned (and then penalized if they didn't heed the warning) for players hanging over the boards prior to a line change.
Among these, the expansion of the coach's challenge for the puck-over-the-glass penalty is particularly significant. This change not only addresses the accuracy of penalty calls but also anticipates potential delays as each call is meticulously reviewed, ensuring fairness in tight match scenarios.
However, not all feedback has been positive. Some of the rules, especially the new stipulation for unsportsmanlike conduct concerning players hanging over the boards, have stirred up controversy. Critics argue that while these changes aim to enhance the flow and integrity of the game, they could also lead to increased game interruptions, potentially disrupting the viewer's experience.
Ultimately, these adjustments reflect the league's ongoing commitment to refining the sport, balancing the historical essence of hockey with the necessity for innovation. As these rules are set to debut in the upcoming season, all eyes will be on their impact both on and off the ice.
Source: NHL.com
NHL Rule Changes
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NHL confirms multiple rule-changes and some of them will be unpopular

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