Sergei Bobrovsky's Near-Miss with Skate Blade Raises Safety Concerns

Fred Maltes
May 27, 2024  (11:07)

Sergei Bobrovsky
Photo credit: Sportsnet

In a heart-stopping moment during Game 3, Panthers goalie Sergei Bobrovsky narrowly escaped a severe injury when Alexis Lafreniere's skate blade came dangerously close to his throat.

The New York Rangers' forward, Lafreniere, was in the midst of a dazzling play, maneuvering past Panthers defensemen Dmitry Kulikov and Oliver Ekman-Larsson to score a spectacular goal.However, the celebration was nearly overshadowed by a chilling incident.
As Lafreniere executed a toe-drag around the defense, his skate swung upwards, clipping Bobrovsky in the chin and neck area. The video clearly shows just how perilous the situation was; Lafreniere's heel, not the blade, made contact, sparing Bobrovsky from a potentially catastrophic injury. You can view the clip here:
Despite the forceful impact, Bobrovsky, displaying remarkable resilience, remained in the game after a brief medical check. This incident, occurring with such ferocity and forward momentum, highlights the inherent risks that NHL goaltenders face each game.
The close call has reignited discussions around the use of neck guards in professional hockey. Following the tragic death of Adam Johnson last year, due to a similar skate-related injury, the debate over additional protective gear has intensified. Many goalkeepers, including Bobrovsky, choose not to wear neck guards, citing the need for unrestricted head movement. Yet, incidents like these demonstrate the potential life-saving benefit of such equipment.
The NHL and team management are continually assessing player safety equipment standards. This incident will likely prompt further reviews of safety protocols and gear, especially concerning neck protection for goaltenders.
In conclusion, while the Rangers celebrated a highlight reel goal, the hockey community was reminded of the ever-present dangers of the sport. Sergei Bobrovsky's narrow escape from a severe injury should serve as a catalyst for a renewed focus on enhancing safety measures in the NHL. Such moments, though fraught with danger, underline the bravery and resilience of players and the ongoing need for vigilance in player safety advocacy.
27 MAI   |   73 ANSWERS
Sergei Bobrovsky's Near-Miss with Skate Blade Raises Safety Concerns

Does the National Hockey League need all players and goalies to wear neck guards?

No, player's choice2534.2 %
Yes, they're an important safety measure4865.8 %
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