Until they get a good offer, the Leafs supposedly won't ask Marner to waive

Fred Maltes
June 10, 2024  (11:17)

Until they get a good offer, the Leafs supposedly won't ask Marner to waive
Photo credit: Saltwire.com

The Toronto Maple Leafs have adopted a meticulous approach as they navigate the complexities of Mitch Marner's contract situation, emphasizing strategic patience in their trade dealings.

Following their elimination from the first round of the playoffs by the Boston Bruins, the spotlight intensified on Marner, whose lackluster performance left fans and critics alike questioning his future with the team.
As the Leafs face mounting pressure to revamp their roster for the 2024-25 season, the possibility of trading Marner has emerged as a contentious topic.
With expensive extensions already secured for his teammates, Marner's position within the team appears increasingly precarious, despite holding a full no-movement clause (NMC).
General Manager Brad Treliving and his team have made it clear that any decision involving Marner will only occur if a compelling trade offer materializes.
This approach aims to preserve the integrity of the relationship with Marner, avoiding any actions that might seem coercive or unnecessary. Steve Simmons of PostMedia highlighted this strategy in his latest piece, emphasizing that the Leafs would only prompt Marner to consider waiving his NMC if an advantageous proposal is on the table.
"If one of the offers meets their needs, then — and only then — will they involve Marner in the process and try to convince him why it's in his best interest to look elsewhere," Simmons noted.

Echoing this sentiment, David Alter of The Hockey News reported similar statements from the Leafs' management, affirming their commitment to a judicious approach:
"Mitch controls a lot of this whole thing. If there's a way to make our team better, we're going to do it. But we're certainly not going to make a trade just so we can pound our chest and say, 'Look, we're different.'" - Treliving on Marner

The precariousness of Marner's contract, which allows him to enter free agency next year, poses a significant risk for the Maple Leafs. They could potentially lose a key player without any return, reminiscent of the New York Islanders' experience with John Tavares. However, looking forward, the potential departure of Marner could free up substantial cap space, estimated at $21.9 million, providing the Leafs with financial flexibility to reshape their roster effectively.
The Leafs are poised for a pivotal year, with the 2024-25 season shaping up as a significant transitional period. While the team's front office has expressed its reluctance to make hasty decisions, the evolving dynamics of Marner's situation will undoubtedly influence their strategic choices. As the hockey world watches closely, the Leafs' management remains committed to a principled strategy that respects both the player's rights and the team's long-term objectives.
Source: Toronto Sun
SIMMONS SAYS: Leafs won't ask Marner to waive no-trade until they see an offer they like
Source: The Hockey News
Favorable Offer Before Asking Mitch Marner to Waive His No-Move Clause for a Trade
10 JUIN   |   128 ANSWERS
Until they get a good offer, the Leafs supposedly won't ask Marner to waive

Regarding Mitch Marner, what do you think is the best possible outcome?

Staying put and signing an extension5643.8 %
Trading him for NHL-ready assets5341.4 %
Letting him walk after the 2024-25 season1914.8 %
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