Mitch Marner's critics get an earful from an NHL Hall-of-Famer

Fred Maltes
May 15, 2024  (5:37 PM)

Mitch Marner
Photo credit: Manifestosport.com

On Wednesday, Hall of Famer Adam Oates came to the defense of Toronto Maple Leafs superstar Mitch Marner, who has been under intense scrutiny from fans and media alike.

Oates, a respected voice in the hockey community, expressed his frustration with the treatment Marner has been receiving.
Speaking on the Cam & Strick podcast, Oates passionately argued that the criticism aimed at Marner is unfair and misplaced. He believes that Marner is being blamed for issues that are beyond his control and that the media and fans need to show more understanding.
"Like when Nylander yelled at him. Well, Nylander, first of all you don't play against everybody's best. You play against everybody's second best, let's get that straight. Number two, he was mad at Matthews for a bad turnover at the blue line. That's what he's mad at and he's also mad and he threw his gloves. Why? Because he knows tomorrow in the paper, they're gonna blame him.

Like the power play was 1 for 20. If they were 5 for 20, they'd still be playing right now. And he'd have three more points, four more points, they wouldn't be complaining right now, would they? So, therefore, now you look at the power play. Of course. That's 2 units, 10 guys, and 1 coach, right? And the head coach. It's never one guy and I feel bad for [Marner] because he's in that market.

That makes it very difficult and then the game-winning goal, Pastrnak's goal, they're blaming him and it's like, if anybody knows anything about hockey, they were in a neutral zone regroup. So F1 changed and he jumped over for F1, Pastrnak's not his responsibility at all."

The spotlight on Marner has intensified due to several factors. Firstly, the Maple Leafs have secured long-term commitments with Auston Matthews and William Nylander, making them untouchable in any potential roster changes. This leaves Marner as a likely target for trade speculation.
Secondly, trading John Tavares is highly unlikely due to his age, declining performance, and higher cap hit compared to Marner. This further narrows the focus on Marner as a potential trade candidate.
The most significant factor, however, is the deteriorating relationship between Marner and both the city and the media. Over the past few years, the relentless criticism has created an environment where a breakup seems inevitable. The Maple Leafs cannot afford to bring back the same group of players for another season, nor can they justify extending Marner's contract beyond 2024-25.
Oates' remarks highlight critical points about the team's power play struggles and Marner's role. The Maple Leafs' power play was a dismal 1 for 20, a major reason for their seven-game series loss. While Marner was expected to step up, especially with Nylander and Matthews dealing with injuries, the pressure and blame placed on him are disproportionate.
In Toronto, where the spotlight is always on, someone has to bear the brunt of disappointment. Unfortunately for Marner, he has become the scapegoat. Despite his talent and contributions, the combination of team dynamics, media pressure, and financial constraints has made his position with the Maple Leafs increasingly untenable.
15 MAI   |   163 ANSWERS
Mitch Marner's critics get an earful from an NHL Hall-of-Famer

When should the Leafs look to move on from Marner?

At or during the NHL Draft2716.6 %
Before free agency2414.7 %
Wait for the best offer3622.1 %
Keep him around7646.6 %
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